
Here the artist Heidi Hinder shares her on-going research, practice and processes….

Wearable prototypes on show at The British Museum

I’m excited to share news that the series of Money No Object wearable prototypes and a short film about the project are currently on show at The British Museum, in the Citi Money Gallery (Room 68). If you’re interested in the history of money, this fascinating gallery displays approximately 4000 years’ worth of objects and […]

Creative and academic collaboration

Creativeworks London is a cultural organisation which, over the last four years, has brought together academic researchers with creative entrepreneurs and businesses, in order to explore the capital’s creative economy through collaboration. With support from Creativeworks London, Money No Object was able to team up with the Digital Programmes and Research departments at the Victoria and […]

Guest blog for The British Museum

Following on from the Money No Object workshop with the New Horizon Youth Centre, I had the opportunity of writing a guest blog for the British Museum website, to share our experiences from the day, exploring money and identity, and to try and capture something of our thought-provoking discussions and design ideas. Here is the blog, called Mind […]

New Horizon: Money and identity

I was delighted to be invited to share Money No Object at The British Museum recently, with a brilliant group of young people from the New Horizon Youth Centre. The workshop session formed part of the Money Gallery education programme, exploring the role of money and identity. After testing out the Money No Object wearable prototypes and donating some fictional […]

V&A Digital Design Weekend on film

Today, it was great to watch the short film from the V&A Digital Design Weekend, just uploaded to YouTube. The best thing was being able to enjoy a taster and overview of the many fantastic projects on show, which I had been unable to visit during the event itself. (At the time, I was inevitably […]

Money No Object on BBC World Service

In October, I was delighted to be invited by producer Colin Grant, to share Money No Object on the BBC World Service. The interview, recorded at BBC Broadcasting House, formed part of the Click radio series, where presenter Gareth Mitchell explores the latest digital news and trends in global technology, social media and the internet. After outlining […]

Money No Object at The White Building: V&A Digital Futures

The White Building describes itself as ‘London’s centre for art, technology and sustainability. An incubator for discursive and innovative thought, it serves as a testing ground and creative lab for artists and creatives whose work engages with technology.’ This is the appropriate venue then, where the V&A have started to host their Digital Futures programme, and Money No […]

Money No Object at the V&A Digital Design Drop-in

Every month on a Saturday, in the V&A Sculpture Gallery, Irini organises a Digital Design Drop-in session, where the public can meet digital artists and designers who explore the intersections of art, design, craft and technology. It is advertised as an opportunity to see new cutting-edge projects and chat with artists about their work, and on […]

The Sound of Money

This afternoon I had a great time working with Laura Kriefman, choreographer from the Guerrilla Dance Project and dancer for ‘Tap & Pay’, and the musician and composer Lee J Malcolm, on developing a sound track for Tap & Pay, that incorporates the sound of money, a kind of coin composition. We took a bag of […]

Round table discussion at the V&A: Part 2

Due to the success of the first round table event in June, the participants from ‘Part 1’ were keen for Irini and I to organize a follow-up discussion, which would provide our invited guests with a chance to see how the project had progressed and how the technology had been developed, ahead of the public […]

The Tech-tastic Team

The technology is of course one aspect of Money No Object that is fundamental to the success of my payment prototypes, their wearability and the ease of the social interaction which they will enable. This is just one of the reasons I am so lucky to be working with Seb Madgwick and Phill Tew in order to […]

Hey Big (Red) Spender!

This evening, after the museum had closed and all the galleries were quiet, I installed the second temporary artwork onto the donation cases in the Tunnel and Grand Entrance of the V&A. The experience of walking through the emptiness of a building usually so busy with visitors was quite magical, and the silence gave the museum a hallowed sense of […]

The Eyes Have It

As part of my exploration of ‘Demonstrating Value’ at the V&A, I have been given permission to install a series of three different temporary artworks on the main donation cases at the museum, to see if design can influence behaviour, where giving and donating are concerned. Each installation will be on display for two weeks, after […]

Roundtable discussion at the V&A

As part of the programme of events for Money No Object, Irini and I had scheduled a round table discussion, as a research gathering exercise, to focus on some of the many themes inherent in the project; such as future finance, transactions, and how value may be manifested in years to come, wearable technology, the […]

Tech development

The new research and development funding is a fantastic opportunity to work with the brilliant Seb Madgwick, Director and Lead Engineer of x-io Technologies, a company that specialises in embedded sensor solutions. Seb has already worked on the development of a pair of interactive gloves, the MiMu, for musician Imogen Heap, so he is highly […]

Time is Money

This morning, Irini and I attended the Creativeworks London round table event, which gathered together all the creative and academic partners (including independent research organisations such as the V&A) who have been awarded a ‘Demonstrating Value’ grant in this particular round of AHRC funding. We met at the beautiful setting of Somerset House and heard about […]

2014: Getting Started at the V&A

I’m very excited to have been awarded some further research and development funding, in order to continue working on my project Money No Object, which initially began during a 3 month residency last year, at the Pervasive Media Studio. Now, thanks to Creativeworks London and UnLtd, I can now move past the proof of concept stage and […]

Money No Object to be showcased at the V&A

One year on from the Crafts Council and Watershed’s Craft + Technology residency, artist Heidi Hinder is delighted to report that ‘Money No Object’ has just been awarded some further research and development funding. This support will enable Heidi to work with Seb Madgwick, Director and Lead Engineer from x-io technologies and Irini Papadimitriou, Digital Programmes […]

Craft + Technology Residency: Research Report

Craft + Technology Residency: Research Report Background: By way of introduction, my name is Heidi Hinder, and I am an artist and maker. My artistic practice often draws on a previous career in film and television, by exploring the disparity between illusion and reality, as well as being influenced by studies in Literature, and Jewellery & […]

Hug & Pay

So now my concept is in place, for a donation system which uses physical gesture and human-to-human interaction as a method of value exchange, the process is rapidly underway for creating better prototypes and clearer demonstrations to illustrate the different ideas: For example, the Handshake Agreement gloves (with anti-microbial properties at the nanoscale). This short […]
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