Every month on a Saturday, in the V&A Sculpture Gallery, Irini organises a Digital Design Drop-in session, where the public can meet digital artists and designers who explore the intersections of art, design, craft and technology. It is advertised as an opportunity to see new cutting-edge projects and chat with artists about their work, and on […]
This afternoon I had a great time working with Laura Kriefman, choreographer from the Guerrilla Dance Project and dancer for ‘Tap & Pay’, and the musician and composer Lee J Malcolm, on developing a sound track for Tap & Pay, that incorporates the sound of money, a kind of coin composition. We took a bag of […]
Due to the success of the first round table event in June, the participants from ‘Part 1’ were keen for Irini and I to organize a follow-up discussion, which would provide our invited guests with a chance to see how the project had progressed and how the technology had been developed, ahead of the public […]
The technology is of course one aspect of Money No Object that is fundamental to the success of my payment prototypes, their wearability and the ease of the social interaction which they will enable. This is just one of the reasons I am so lucky to be working with Seb Madgwick and Phill Tew in order to […]
This evening, after the museum had closed and all the galleries were quiet, I installed the second temporary artwork onto the donation cases in the Tunnel and Grand Entrance of the V&A. The experience of walking through the emptiness of a building usually so busy with visitors was quite magical, and the silence gave the museum a hallowed sense of […]